Executive Coaching Process
01. Discover
Contracting forms an integral part of my approach. I am seeking to appreciate the client’s current story/narrative or position. I look to understand what informs decisions or actions, what beliefs are held, what strengths exist and what perceptions others have of the person I am coaching. I conduct in-depth interviews with stakeholders, use psychometric assessments and typically have a depth conversation with the person concerned. I then work to help a client make sense of what is presented and to articulate their desired change.
02. Define
Armed with increased self-awareness and a desire to achieve stated objectives my clients are typically primed to engage in developmental change. We explore tactics and strategies and experiment with different options to strengthen a client’s repertoire, to stretch and to move in a cycle of action for learning. Each session is a build and also often a different take on a previous concern. I believe nothing changes unless behaviour changes and key to that is working with assumptions, beliefs and values, thoughts and emotions that drive us.
03. Refine
All conversations I encounter with individuals deal with the natural and real phenomenon of resistance, resistance of thought, emotion, and will. My skill as a coach supports indivuals or leaders move past this apparent impasse by facilitating the integration of future thinking, feeling, and will in the context of practical applications and learning by doing. These last few sessions are devoted to consolidating, reviewing, evaluating and reinforcing new ways of being and doing.
For Executive Coaching Services please contact me here