Coach 2 Coach Process
01. Align
Coaching is a relationship. This first step in our relationship involves me getting to know you as a person and coach. I work to understand your needs, what is motivating you to seek mentoring or supervision and I explore the required methodology with you. You will appreciate my allegiance to the ICF code of ethics and competencies. As a Master Certified Coach I will uphold the highest standards for our work. Together we will contract for a Mentor Coaching and or Supervision structure and process that best fits your needs. We will declare a desired purpose, establish appropriate boundaries, articulate practicalities between us and explore the psychological or stuff that could hinder our progress towards desired outcomes.
02. Impart
Over the course of our work together you will share your approach, choice points, motives and relationship to the stance you have taken with a client. The program allows for 10 opportunities to
have your work observed for the purposes of mentoring. Supervision allows for me to take an holistic approach and to offer the lens of a formative, normative and performative approach. We will look at your relationship to coaching, your practice and the coach you are becoming over these 10 conversations. Your competence will be brought into conscious awareness. In addition we will honour how you show up as a coach, your presence and capacity to partner with your client.
03. Master
As a consequence of our work together you will be supported to figure out your authentic voice, the choices you employ to artfully coach clients. You will build confidence to integrate and embody the distinctions housed in the ICF coaching competencies such that you honour your unique signature presence. Together we will select conversations suitable for application to the ICF credential process. In terms of a Supervision approach you will emerge confident as a Coach, able to discern the approach you wish to take with future clients and the stance you embody.
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